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Jackson - this solar eclipse is that it is the first American eclipse since 1979
Nayan - the moon will obscure the sun for the longest time (2 minutes and 41.2 seconds) from a perspective near Carbondale, Missouri, and the next total solar eclipse will be visible on April 8 2024
Hannah - The last time anyone in mainland US saw a total eclipse of the Sun was on
February 26, 1979.Polina - The Solar Eclipse looks like it does because the suns diameter is 400x wider than the Moon, but the Moon is 400x closer to the Earth so it looks like the Moon fits inside the Sun.
Cameron - the eclipse is the the solar eclipse happens once every 18 years
Eva - the last time a solar eclipse was visible in the USA from coast to coast (as this one is) was on June 8, 1918
Henry - Never stare directly at a solar eclipse without special eclipse glasses. The sun can damage your eyes.
Red and Char -
- not only humans but also animals act strange when there are solar eclipses,
-llamas stand together during the solar eclipses.
-spiders tear down their webs during a solar eclipses.
-songbirds go quiet.
-farm animals lie down.
-chickens start to roost
- when the moon is blocking the suns rays from the view of people in certain areas of earth that is an eclipse
- the sun was off place until about the month ago when the sun was put back in place to have a solar eclipse in united states
- a solar eclipse only happens when the moon passes in front there earth sun to ma ke an appearance of he moon blocking out the sun from certain of area on the planet
Owen - the US is the only country that will be touched by the eclipse's path of totality on Aug 21.
Evan - When the moon totally blocks the sun, that's called the totality.
A path 70 miles wide from Oregon to South Carolina was able to view the totality today.
Only about 65% of the sun was eclipsed in the view from RI.
Awesome job everyone! This opportunity is now over
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