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Monday, October 29, 2012

Post your Sandy reports here

How are you making out during the storm?


Anonymous said...

I was at my dads boat last night and it was windy and wavy. Tide was high but not bad yet. Some boats were being hauled out.

Anonymous said...

Reading and looking at pictures of the storm online. It's dark and very windy.

Anonymous said...

I had no power and still don't. There was a tree that fell down in my yard and i have a picture of it. I will show it to you on wednesday.

-Henry Pratt

Anonymous said...

Not as bad as I thought it would be. News said strong winds for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Sandy was not as bad as I thought. I did find a dolphin at the Jamestown Boatyard.

Josh N. said...

I lost my power on Monday afternoon and got it back on Tuesday. There were three telephone poles on North Road which trapped my friend in his house! I though Sandy would be a lot worse than it actually was!