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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Student oil spill responses

Hit comment below and leave your thoughts (first name and grade only)


Anonymous said...

I hope that the one of the two relief wells will work. Tens on thousands of barrels of oil or more have already spilled into the gulf hurting a region in a time where the economy is already bad. This can't be good for tourism or the wildlife in the marshes of Louisiana.

Leigh Ann said...

I hope B.P shuts down... just think of all those poor sea turtles! What did they ever do to B.P? B.P should work harder to clean the gulf and help restore the animals populations.

Jay Patel said...

B.P is working hard ,but, they need to work harder. The cap that they put on is only for temporary use. At this moment B.P is trying to figure out if the leaking of the oil has stopped. Once B.P figures out that theres no leaking, that just sloves one problem. B.P still has to deal with the two relief wells. If both of them don't work B.P would be stressed out,because all their hard work went down the drain. Thinking about this right now, if you feel bad for B.P, feel bad about the unemployment that has occured because of this natural diaster.

Anonymous said...

Do you think it is a good idea for BP to try static kill when the relief wells are so close?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that they have been able to stop the oil spill, but the impact will not be good for the economy. All those fishermen in Louisiana won't have any jobs! The restoration project for the Gulf will be,like, 10 times bigger then the North Cape oil spill. How long will it take for the shellfish that didn't die to become healthy again?
Sam A-H

Anonymous said...

Even though the oil spill is over doesn't mean that B.P (or any other oil drilling companies) can't prevent anything like this to ever happen again. I think that they should have some kind of valve that would shut the drill off as soon as something happens to the pipe. It's terrible the amount of helpless animals that died by just gettin food for them selves and/or family? if the spill had gotten any bigger the whole world could have been affected. I think they should get who ever had the idea of drilling in the gulf of mexicoand other people that were involved in the "acident" go and clean up the mess they made. B.P should also use the money that they made to go to helping all the animals that had to sufferfrom this terrible expirience.


Anonymous said...

Every one s blaming the executives of BP when it isn't their fault. They can't look into every single detail of every ship. Mostly it is the workers problem because they of the problem with the tank, but didn't fix t. 'm sad for all of the animals that have been killed by the workers' carelessness.

CG Grade 7 (soon)

Anonymous said...

I feel that BP should be held responsible for 100% of the cleanup efforts and those who lose thier jobs in the gulf. However I believe that the government should not be envolved and no drilling ban should be activated due to the spill. The spill was an accedent and history show's that spills of this stature do not occur often. When useing meathods as such BP was using thier is always a risk of such a disaster and could happen at anytime. The only way to prevent this is to find cleaner ways to harness energy.

-John Chamberlain

Anonymous said...

My opinion of who to blame for the oil spill in the Gulf is, B.P. B.P built the oil rig in the first place, but on top of that they did not maintain it, causing cracking and an explosion that lead to the oil pouring out. This spill is not just a spill its many different things. First look at all the animal pictures you see on the news, they are covered in oil head to toe completely brown with oil. Secondly even though the leak has slowed down and the oil is evaporating, chemicals are evaporating into our ground and that affects our air, ozone and Eco system.
a gomez

Gabriel Zelaya-Rincón said...

My idea of helping the oil spill would have been to unleash Pseudomonas putida (an oil eating bacteria). This bacteria is expected to break down harmful chemicals in the oil into carbon dioxide. We can all use renewable energy sources, carpool, use public transportation, walk and ride a bike. The law says that it’s the government’s job to make sure the oil is cleaned up. Even though it’s supposedly the government’s job to clean up the oil spill, I would think that BP should take more responsibility for the damaged they caused do to the oil spill. BP should help restore animals in the gulf and work hard with the community to help restore nature in the area.

Amanda said...

I thought about the solution to the oil spill was to put a cap on the well earlier so there wasn't that much oil leaking and killing animals. If I could I would go down to the Louisiana beaches and help clean them up. The government could set up teams of people to help with the clean up. BP should take all of the blame for the spill and help clean up the animals and pay for the damages.

I feel really bad for the dead animals because they did not deserve to die because of the oil.

Amanda -7th grade

Teddy Roberts said...

I think that bp should've had a plan of what to do if something like this were going to happen. I think that bp should take full responsibility for the oil spill but i think that the U.S government should have told them that they needed a plan if there were going to be an oil spill like this. I think that they should forget about their commercials and keep trying to fix the oil spill. I feel bad about the workers and wildlife in the gulf.

Anonymous said...

I think they should have been more careful in what they were doing and made a plan if a spill did happen. The U.S I believe should do more to clean the oil spill since it is on U.S land and may animals that live there are dying because of this spill.

Robert Haberland