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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Creek Question -8th grade

Post a comment below about your trip to the creek today. What did you notice? How was it the same, how was it different, was it fun, were you cold,what did you see, was there anything unusual, what job did you do, what were the results, etc.?


Madeline said...

The creek seemed pretty much the same as uaual. In exception of the ice that was spread in various areas of the sand at the beach, and on the way to the creek. The trip was more fun than usual because of the high energy brought on by the cold. I myself was not cold, except for a few miniutes as we waited to leave Site 1. I thought it was extremley interesting that we were able to find that rock, seeing as we were just talking about density and using an example like that from the previous class. There wasen't anything prominantly unusual, except for again, the ice and snow on the ground. The temperature was certanly less than usual also. My job this trip was water and air temperature. The air temperature was 1 degree Celsius, and the water 1.2 degreese Celsius. Overall, the creek was a fun learning experience that I was happy to take part in.

Anonymous said...

it was cold and icy but it was fun.i helped the water person. it was different because the water was colder. there was not as much trash. hello it is Rex Leonardand this is my comment

Anonymous said...

Isabel 8-1
When we went to the creek I thought it was pretty much the same. My job was to take the pH, but I had already done that before so nothing was new to me. I was pretty cold, but it was warmer than we though it was going to be. The results of my job were 8.4 for site 1 and 2. I did notice something new about the creek though. I noticed that the creek was really clean, probably from another class, but it is good that we clean the creek whenever we go.

Jay said...

The creek didn't seem any different than usual, except that the water level seemed different and there didn't seem to be as much trash as usual, probably on the account of it being winter,so there aren't any beach parties. Going to the creek was fun,because we got to get outside and do a mini field trip.It wasn't at all cold. There wasn't really anything unusual. My job was to measure the salinity,and it was a bit above average I think.

Anonymous said...

Sam taught me how to use the wind instruments. We pretty much held the monitors above our heads, running around looking for the best wind spots. Then the computers told us our highest knot unit, which was something around 7.8, but we had to do the average in our heads (I wonder why they didn't make the machine so that it did that for you). I think it was a successful, yet uneventful trip. This is:
Jon Carney's comment

Anonymous said...

The creek was pretty much the same as before, except that it was high tide and we had to walk across the rocks and stuff and that ice was everywhere and i almost fell. I had fun even though i was a little cold. I saw some litter and i hate that people actually do that to the enironement. There wasn't anything unusual. I was helping out with the wind averages and I don't remember the reuslts or anything, but it was higher because the wind was blowing faster than usual.
Kelsey Chidester

Anonymous said...

Ben Rudman

The creek was fun. i was the person who wen in the water and i walked through ice. there's a weird drop off thingy by section two. i almost went in really deep. I wanna be the water person again.

Anonymous said...

when we went to creek of Friday, I noticed that there was some ice on the ground which i found usual because I thought that salt water did not freeze. I was definitely not as cold as i thought I would be, I think because the walk warmed me up. my job was to get the wind average and maximum. I would assume that the wind was maybe a little stronger that usual but Ive never done that job before. it was pretty fun(as fun as collecting data at a creek could be). i think that it was different than usual because the animals that live there could be affected by the cold weather. overall it wasn't drastically different but obviously there were slight changes.

Mady B

Anonymous said...

The creek was cold icy and we got a lot of trash and it agoodtrip tothecreek

Anonymous said...

The creek was cold icy and we got alot of trash and it was high tide and we had to climb over the rocks i collected the wind and it was fun down at the creek.

Tuesday,January 19,2010 1:30pm
Kerry K.

Anonymous said...

The creek was cold. I did wind temperature. It was icy. there was a lot trash on the grown. It was hight tied. It was fun.

Austin Crawford

Anonymous said...

Hey, MrK.

The creek is pretty much the same everyday. At the creek i noticed that the water was alot cloder then it usually is.Its the same because water at the creek is always cold.The Creek was fun as usual. I was cold , pretty much only my face, because i had hat,gloves,scarf and a coat plus boots. I saw some trash still on the ground.Im not sure if i did see unsaul. My job was Condictivity, or the H2. The results were alot colder than the original results of the temperature of the water.

See Yah


Anonymous said...

Although there was ice on the shore, the creek was pretty much the same as previous times. Since Friday was one of the warmest days in the winter, I was very warm in my coat, hat, and gloves. This trip, I, along with Raeshelle, tested the water and air temperatures at both Site 1 and Site 2. We took the temperature measuring instrument out of the box and turned it on. It turned on and the temperature was gradually going down on it because it had been in the warm classroom before this use and was now cooling down. I believe the temperature of the air was about 4 degrees Celsius and I am not quite sure what temperature the water came out to be.

Anonymous said...

Madi R
The creek was very cold outside when we went, and my job was conductivity. There seemed to be alot more trash that day than all the others, and it was very much the same as it is when we have gone there on other days. The only other difference i saw was that the colder it was outside, the lower our calculations were. Over all, going to the creek was fun as usual and we progressed in our data collection, and were successful in trash pick up ect.

Unknown said...

At the creek the waether was not the best. It was cold, but warmer than usual for this time of year. Also there was wind which is almost always there. My job was PH and the results average was 25 at site 1 and the average for site 2 was 26. I noticed that there was a lot more seeweed than normal. Walking through it was unpleasent. But the overall time at the creek was fun!! :]

Anonymous said...

Kaela 8-2
The most noticeable thing about the creek was the cold and the ice. Both the air and the water were extremely cold. Ice was forming on both the water and the sand. However, we still did the same jobs, and besides temperature and a few others, the results were somewhat close to what they usually were. It was fun, and I had the job of recorder.

Anonymous said...

The creek on Thursday was very icy. The water was very cold but very clear. Walking down to the creek was very windy. The creek had a lot of trash there. My class picked up as much as we could. The creek was very fun this class because watching the tide go out was interesting. The water temperature at both sites were very similar.
Audrey Tuttle

Unknown said...

the creek was fun, but not much different then the other times we have gone. i thought that it wasnt very cold compeared to other times we have gone. i had a good time doing water temperature and air temature with Holly. overall the trip to the creek was fun and not much different from other times we have gone...Raeshelle

Anonymous said...

When we went to the creek friday I noticed that it was very cold outside and alot of the living plants that had washed up on shore, were dried up and crinkled. The amount of trash at the creek didn't seem different from the usuall amount.The job i did was salinity with Oksana. One thing i hate about the creek is to see the same amount or more trash every time we go. Its like it never ends. People need to stop being lazy and care more about our environment. We are helping by picking up their trash that ends up on the creek, but they need to start throwing things in the trash instead of the yea.

And ovisally (joejonasfan216?) who else could it be?..

Anonymous said...

I got the water and air temperature. The air and water was warmer than i expected. It was weird how the seaweed on the beach froze. This time wasn't much different than the other times.

Anonymous said...

when i went to the creek it seemed pretty much the same but colder. My job was to get the PH samples. And i did a pretty good job. yes it was fun i was hanging out with evin at stuff. it was the most fun at the creek. i also got snow in my shoes.

Anonymous said...

Nick 8-3
It looked pretty much the same exceptthere was snow and ice. it was fun having that new element. it wass quite cold. i did the wind speed. i got 2.5 knots for the average.

Anonymous said...

hi this evin b from 8-3 i noticed that the water was colder and that there was ice on the beach. my job was the person who goes in the water the waves were very low for site 1 it was .1 decimeter and for site two it was 0 decimeters i was not very cold like always the results were similar for both sites.

Anonymous said...

Travis 8-3

I noticed that the tide went out a lot while we were there. It was relatively the same as every time we go when it comes to procedure. As always it was fun. I wasn't very cold, and that day was my birthday! The unusual part was that the middle, between site 1 and 2 was frozen. I was a helper to the person who put on the boots. The waves were minimal.

Anonymous said...

When we went to the creek, it was much colder than usual. Even so, I thought it was more fun since everything was frozen over, even the seaweed far up the shore. The fact that the seaweed was frozen at all seemed very strange, and I could walk over it without it crumbling. I also noticed that there was more trash than usual, since none of the science classes were there recently. My job was to assist the person with the boots, so there weren't any important results. However, I did notice that the water was very very cold, and the waves were small as usual.

Anonymous said...

Kristjana 8-3

The creek was windy and slippery. The creek was the same because the water and the rocks were there. The creek was different because it was colder and the beach was somewhat covered with ice. The creek was fun because we got to slip around on the ice. I was warm because I bundled up, and i was prepared. The current at site two was very strong. Evin's suit was being pulled by the current. The current at site one wasn't as strong. The color and turbidity of the water was differnt at both sites. At site one the turbidity was clear, and the water color was clear. At site two the turbidity was cloudy, and the water color was brownish green. I was the recorder when we went to the creek. The results were differnt at site one then the results at site two. Over all the trip was a lot of FUN!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't feel that the creek was a lot more different than it usually is. It may have been colder, but besides that there weren’t too many different things other than the results that we got, and the fact that there was ice there. The sand felt the same, the grass was the same, all in all it was basically the same. This meant that the creek was just as fun as usual. This is surprising because I was expecting the creek to be annoying since it was thought to be very cold outside, but it actually wasn't. I can’t wait till we go again!


Anonymous said...

When we went to the creek there was a lot of ice but nothing else was different about it. Even though it was freezing we all had a lot of fun, I even destroyed a huge chunk of ice. The job I did was to check the salinity. The salinity of cite one was different then cite two. Hopefully we can go back really soon.
Brittany Metrolis 8-3

Anonymous said...

When we went to the creek, it was just the same as any other day at the creek. It was kind of cold there but we had coats and gloves to keep us warm when we were working. There was also blocks of ice at the beach, which i jumped on and destroyed. My job was to find the salinity. At site 1, the salinity was 26 and at site 2, the salinity was 26 also. There wasn't much trash at the creek. I guess that there wasn't much trash there was because since that it is winter, people usually don't go to the beach in the winter. I also noticed that there were gray clouds and the water was very cold. Since there is no sun to heat up the water and the air is cold, the water must be cold as well. Over all i had a good time at the creek and i can't wait to go back! =)
-Jackie- Science 8-3

Unknown said...

When the 8-3 class went to the creek, it wasn't that different besides obvious observations. Our "adventure" to the creek was colder then usual and we had to wear all of our winter clothing. The rocks were icy and slippery. I also noticed that there wasn't as much trash and dead sea critters as usual. Probably because people aren't outside as much and a lot of animals leave for the winter. These are some of our classes observations.

-dana :)

JPT said...

Hey Mr. K! ;D

Our trip to the creek on tuesday was pretty much the same as any other day on the creek. The jobs remained the same, and I got to go in the water. ^_^ The temperature was much different from what it usually is, being cold and very windy. :[ It was really fun overall. Water was also pretty high, and the tide was going out. The water in the streamy part of the creek was going really fast, and there was alot of wet sand and seaweed flung around, most likely from the wind. Overall it was a really fun trip, and I think that it was fun going in the water, and it was fun overall! :3


Anonymous said...

When we went, it was much colder than usual. We all had to wear snowboots because of all the snow on the ground- although there wasn't much when we actually got to the creek. There were, however, large spots where the water had frozen, sometimes over seaweed, which caused the ice to appear reddish. My job was temperature, and the outside temp was around -2 degrees while the water temp was 1 or 2 degrees Celsius. All in all, it was very chilly, but just as fun and interesting as always!

-Faith, 8-3

alyssa lukesh said...

Hey Mr. K.

i did not notice anything different really when i went to the creek this time and the last time i had went to the creek. there was just a little more trash but that was because nobody had been down there to pick it up. it was fun but the tide was really high and it was very cold. it was hard to keep my hands out of my pockets. i saw that ice had formed over some things on the ground and the water had ice on it and we had to go further than on site 2 because some of it was frozen with the ice. the water kept getting higher(tide) as we had went on through gathering the information. my job was collecting trash. it was fun overall and i had a great time collecting data.

~alyssa lukesh

Anonymous said...

when i went to the creek it was moore fun than ushual this is because there was ice. i also had big boots on so i could go a little in to the water. i was testing the PH. i had never done that before so that was cool. also i was not cold. it was a little wildx because we had to try to fing my mom and call her and everything. most of all it wasnt different than the other times but i still think its neat.

Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett Garrett

Anonymous said...

The trip to the creek was pretty much the same excluding the weather conditions. As it is winter, the temperature was naturally cold. there were patches of ice and clumps of seaweed where frozen so you could stand on them. i did not have an official job, so i helped pick up trash, and slid on the ice. The tide was quite high, but not as high as it can be.

science 8-2

Sam said...

SaM 8-2

The trip to the creek was different from our usual adventure for a few reasons. One reason was the temperature which was reasonably colder than normal. Also were the blocks of ice in the salt water tide pool. This was significant because salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water. I think the trip was fun because it was different than our normal trips to the creek, I was not cold because i had the appropriate clothing on. Lastly, the job I was assigned to do was conductivity.

Melissa said...

The creek was, for the most part, the same as usual. The air temperature was a little bit cooler than in the fall when we had gone to the creek. The water temperature was defiantly lower than the times before since it is winter, and the water is colder in the winter time. Both sites were different that the normal seeing since the snow and ice were still slowly melting. Even though it was a cold day, it was still, a lot of fun and a good learning experience. :D
~Melissa B.

Anonymous said...

My trip to the creek was quite ordinary. The only difference was that the seaweed and water had mixed while becoming ice so there were alot of patches of ice,however, it wasn't very cold. I did the barometric pressure test and the test using the acid explorer kit thing.The results were basicly the same as usual.
Jameson Mielde 8-3