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Monday, July 6, 2009

How has science been part of your summer?

Write a comment about how science entered your life this summer. Include your first name only and grade. For example, I went to a ranger program while camping, watched a cool show about planets, ect..


Anonymous said...

Kelsey-8th Grade
During the summer, i have notticed more science around me. The other day i went to the beach with my friends. There was science everywhere. The waves, in the sand, things floating above water (seadweed) etc.) and the wind. Amost anywere you go science is around you.

Anonymous said...


So far over the summer, I have noticed science around me. The other day I went to the beach with my friends. In the water there was many marine creatures floating and swimming around me. As I looked towards shore, I saw the waves crashing onto shore. I thought to myself, the waves are also part of science. Anywhere you are science is most likely there too.

Anonymous said...

Isabel 8th Grade
I've noticed science around me this summer. Some examples are:
*at the beach, all the creatures, the waves, the sea plants, etc.
*(physics) this summer i was a ball kid at the tennis hall of fame, and so i had to pay close attention to how fast, hard, and at the right angle to get it to the tennis player correctly.
*i spend a lot of time outside during the summer, and i like to notice all of the different kinds of and sized creatures, and i like to study them.
*every summer i go to a wonderful science museum in michigan with lots of different exhibits in it. from astronomy to bat studies, and water to differnt prehistoric animals that used to roam the earth, i love exploring them all.
*surfing at the beach and timing everything right to catch the perfect wave probably counts as physics, right?
These are just a few of the many examples of science that surround me during the summer.
Isabel 8th Grade

Madi said...

Madi 8th grade =]
over the summer i went to a camp for two weeks and it was a science camp. we learned about many things, like prehistoric times and dinosaurs, disecting animals (which i could not participate in after 10 minutes!), making and learning about polamers that grow with water. we learned about bugs and fish we also learned about how science and math are very much the same and it was alot of fun when we did all our science experiments. We also disected owl pelletes and matched the bones we found with the ones on the sheet of paper we were given. happily i could bare that! many things in the summer have to do with science like the fish in the water. they have a whole entire diet different than every other. for example, clown fish have a diet of kelp and sea weedy things. they are used to feeling the sting of an eneminy so therefore they are able to live in one

Anonymous said...

Audrey 8th Grade

Over the summer I went to science camp like Madi and we learned about dissecting and constellations. I learned that science can be anywhere in your life.

finn said...

Finn 7th grade
How science works around me!
I noticed that while playing tennis I have to
do a certain amount of top spin or back spin
velocity to get the ball where I want it to go.

I also noticed that when was sailing I had to know where to go with the the current and wind pushing me in different directions, for example: can I make around this mooring and not collide with another sailboat?

Anonymous said...

this summer i went to the beach like alot of people and i went to this site today and read the asignment and remembered the boat race and how we did waves and and how to mesuare them.i was looking at some shells and (observed) them and that is how science came into my summer

Anonymous said...

Ryan 7th grade,
science is all around me when i was sailing the currents and wind pushed my boat forward (except when the wind shifted).
Also when I was sailing I noticed that when your sail wasn't in the right position in the big boats that you would heel (Lean to one side).

Anonymous said...

Nellie, 7th grade
This summer, i learned how science effects balance. For example, on a wide kayak, you can easily stand in it. But in a thinner kayak, you may find that it will flip over.
On a tubing trip i took, I found out how if the boat is moving slower, it is easier to flip over. The faster you go, the easier it is to keep your balance.

JPT said...

Jan-8th Grade

Ive been doing alot over the summer. Most of it has been friend related, like hanging out, but science has been a large part of my summer as well. Ive been doing the science extra credit, as well as studying the types of ticks near jamestown because my dog has been getting alot of them. And measuring them. Im also going to camp, I I went to the norman bird sanctuary a couple of times.

Anonymous said...

Sofia 8th Grade

This summer at my Uncle's house their was a spider with a huge web. My dad said it was shaped like a flower so that bugs would fly into it looking for nectar. We took a large ant and put it in the web. The spider came down and started spinning it around in a web. Finally when the ant couldn't move any longer the spider brought it up to the top of its web. Also we have a vegetable garden in our yard and my dad has a compost for it. I know this sounds nasty, but when ever my brother catches a fish put the remains of it in the compost so the decomposer can breakdown the dead material and return nutrients to the soil. (I read my flash card for that.)

Anonymous said...

Anthony 7th Grade

During the course of this summer, there have been many ways I have been involved in science. These are just a few of those ways:

-When I went sailing, I used the velocity of the wind and the angles of the rudder to move the boat where I wanted it to go.

-This summer while I was playing basketball, if I wanted to dribble the ball higher, I had to use more force. If I wanted to dribble the ball lower, I had to use less force. I also had to focus on the power and arc in my shot.

-While I was swimming this summer, I saw many sea creatures all around me. There was lots of seaweed, clams, muscles, and schools of fish.

-When I went camping, There was many different plants and insects.

These are just a few ways science has been involved with my summer vacation.

Anonymous said...

Mike 7th Grade,
I've gone to a lot of camps over the summer and noticed a lot of things that actually were related to science, and i never noticed until now.

-I went to a camp called W. Alton Jones where when we went ponding we had to test the water to see what kinds of animals could live in that water

-At boy scout camp I did the swimming merit badge, where i had to figure out how much power i had to put into different strokes to maintain a speed that wouldnt tire me out.

-At boy scout camp during the First Aid activity I learned how a home-made stretcher can work just by folding a cloth over two large branches

-At W. Alton Jones I learned that during night, our eyes notice the colors red and green more frequent than any other color. For example, look at a color in a poorly lit room and try to guess what color it is, chances are you're going to think red or green.

-At W. Alton Jones we tracked animal prints using an ultra-violet sensitive powder and an ultra-violet light.

-Today I had some fun with stairs and a slinky, that one is pretty self-explanitory :)

The Coin Collector said...

Sam H. 8th grade

Hi Mr. K!
Hi all!
This summer, I had the opportunity to go to a one week sailing camp in Mystic where we'd sleep on the Joseph Conrad (A large ship) and sail on smaller boats. During the camp, I would quite often attempt to do something referred to as a "dry capsize." This is when you capsize the boat, but crawl up the high side of the boat and onto the centerboard. Then you put your weight on the centerboard until the boat comes close to being righted, and then you hop in the cockpit again. This is all done without getting wet. I realize there is a lot of physics involved in this, including being able to swing yourself over the edge before the boat turtles.

Also, I have begun to build large houses out of things like cards, or dominoes. This requires a steady hand and involves a lot of 'science' as you must be cautious not to make these things too top-heavy or unsturdy.

I have also played the piano a LOT, which (although people might not agree) involves a lot of math and science. You must coordinate and time each note with the speed and rhythm of the piece (song.) Additionally, it is extremely difficult, especially in faster bits, to align your two hands together so that your right hand isn't, like, ten notes ahead of your left.

I could go on for many more lines, but I think you get the idea: science is so extremely abundant in our everyday lives that it is impossible not to take it for granted every once in a while.

Bye! See you at school!

Anonymous said...

Rebecca 8th
This summer my family and I and my mom’s brother’s family went to the cape for two weeks. We go to the Cape every year and every year we bike a lot!! This year we did not bike as much because my family brought our sail boat. Sailing in many many ways has to do with science. One was is the sail. When a big gust of wind comes and hits the sail just right, the boat will move in the direction that the wind is blowing. When I went out sailing, there was not much wind. So when we were ready to go in to shore and dock our boat, we had to row in. But I did not row, because I was controlling the tiller. The tiller steers the boat, when you push the tiller to the left, the boat turns to the right. The tiller is a contraption, which also has to do with science!

Anonymous said...

Zach 7th

This summer we went to glacier national park and saw many things. One interesting thing that had to do with science was that there used to be hundreds of glaciers in the park. Now there are less than thirty!